Irish Records

Grantor: Betty, Rowland & others; Grantee: their agreement; Volume 278, page 299, #178399; FHL Microfilm 530,911

April 25, 1757; Memorial of Marriage Articles "made between James Betty, Mary Betty, Rowland Betty and Wm Betty "for and in consideration of the sum of fifty pounds sterling as a Marriage portion the half of the half of Killemitten with the half of the houses and to go to said Mary Betty after the death of s'd William and if they were to have a child or children said Mary to have no more than a child's part and her heirs male to be heir of said land which said Articles is witnessed by Rowland Betty of Cavanalough and Guy Betty of Aghenany both in the county of Fermamagh." Other witness: Andrew Harvey of the city of Dublin, Atty.