Irish Records

Grantor: Beatty, Joseph, Grantee: McCartney, Volume 200, page 552, #134279; FHL microfilm 461387

November 14, 1759 “between Joseph Beatty of Creevagh in the County of Tyrone Gent. of the one part & Daniel McCartney of Ballyronanbeg in the proportion of Saltors and County of Londonderry farmer of the other part.” Joseph Beatty granted to Daniel McCartney “the half part of a farm belonging to s’d Joseph Beatty situate in Ballyronanbeg in the proportion of Saltors and County of Londonderry as divided and qualified containing upwards of twenty acres be the same more or less as now enclosed ditched and march’d and in the possession of the said Daniel McCartney together with the road thru the lands on the other part of said farm as ?? in the demise to Arthur Maxwell for going to and from Church Market and Turf bog…” Daniel McCartney to pay Thos Bateson, Esq. “the full one-half part of the rent.” Witnesses John Glenholme, merchant, of Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry & John Brown, farmer, of Dunamony, Co. Londonderry.