Irish Records

Grantor: Beatty, Hugh, Grantee: Beatty, Volume 230, page 495, #152459; FHL microfilm 461403

A Memorial of Deeds of Lease & release bearing date respectively the twentieth & twenty first days of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & sixty four, made between Hugh Beatty of Auchneleck in the Co. of Down in the Kingdom of Ireland Farmer Eldest brother & heir at law of James Beatty late of Aughneleck aforesaid deceased who was formerly of Charlestown in the Province of South Carolina merchant & who lately died intestate at Balchaller & without issue of the one part & Wm. Beatty of Belfast in the Co. of Antrim in the said Kingdom of Ireland, Merchant, second brother of the said James Beatty dec’d of the other part by which said release the said Hugh Beatty for the consideration therein mentioned did grant, Bargain, Sell, Alien, Release & Confirm unto the said William Beatty in his actual possession then being by virtue of said lease all that tract or parcel of land containing Eighteen Hundred & fifty acres be the same more or less situate lying and being on the East side of the River Pedee adjoining the Lands then or lately belonging to Col. Moses Wilson in the Province of South Carolina aforesaid as the same is ?? ?? which said lands were theretofore granted by Letters Patent of the Province or by some other Deed or Deeds to the said James Beatty dec’d & all the estate, Right, Title in sd Claim & demand whatsoever of the said Hugh Beatty his heirs & assigns to the only use & behoof of the said William Beatty his heirs & assigns forever which said Deed of Lease & Release & also this Memorial are witnesses by John Conan of Ballylintock in the Co. of Down, Esq., James Cowan son of the said John Cowan & Richard Beatty of Ballykeel Edendegonal in said Co. farmer. Hugh Beatty [Seal] Signed & sealed by the above named Hugh Beatty in the presence of John Cowan, James Cowan, Richard Beatty. The above named John Cowan maketh oath that he is a subscribing witness to the Deed of Lease & release whereof the above writing is a Memorial & also to the above Memorial. I saw the above named Hugh Beatty duly sign, seal & execute the said Deed & Memorial & that the name John Cowen subscribed as a witness to this Deed & Memorial is this deponents own proper handwriting. John Cowen sworn before me at Belfast in the Co. of Antrim this 21st day of September 1764 by virtue of a consideration to me directed out of his Majesty’s high Court of Chancery in Ireland for taking ass’s in said Bo. I know the dept. Henry Joy. Justices present Geo Macartney, Edw Brice. Registered August 27, 1764.