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Crossle Record

Page 177
   Registry of Deeds 293 - 621 - 198161.
   Registered 15 Nov. 1773 by Humphry Aldrich Woodward.
   Memorial of Marriage Settlement dated 19 Oct. 1773 between Wheeler Woodward of the City of Dublin, gent, and Humphry Aldrich Woodward, his son of 1st part; Sarah Lawton of Dublin, spinster of the 2nd part; Hugh Carleton of Dublin, Esq. and Charles Leslie of the City of Cork, doctor of physicks, of the 3rd part. Whereby Wheeler Woodward did grant to Carleton and Leslie that parcel of ground on Arbour Hill, City of Dublin, being premises heretofore demised to Wheeler Woodward by Henry Lord Viscount Palmers town, with a dwelling house thereof now in possession of Edward Smyth and Thomas White; to hold to Carleton and Leslie for the lives of Wheeler Woodward, David Beaty and John Tracey, being the lives in the lease thereof made by Henry, Lord Visct., Palmers town; and also for the term of 31 years from 25 March 1762 in case said lives should not live so long, at £18 - 10/~rent; and also that dwelling house on Ellis' Quay, Dublin, wherein said Wheeler Woodward now dwells as formerly demised to him by John Tracy, to hold to Carleton and Leslie for the residue of a term of 47 years from 1 May 1764, granted of the premises by John Tracy to Wheeler Woodward at £26 rent. To hold said premises to Carleton and Leslie ___ the trusts therein mentioned. And said Sarah Lawton did make over to Carleton and Leslie a mortgage formerly made to her by indenture dated 23 Dec. 1769 by Arthur Bambrick of the City of Dublin, carpenter of ground and houses in Ormond Market, Dublin, which he held by lease from Thomas Gleadowe, being deceased , and in which mortgage the sum of £200 is due on foot thereof to Sarah Lawton. To Hold to Carleton and Leslie upon the trusts therein mentioned.
   Said deed and this memorial witnessed by Robert Hutcheson and Edward Druit, both of Dublin, gents.
   Robert Hutchesen swears as to the witnessing at Dublin 15 Nov. 1773,
   Register of Deeds 296-633 – 198810.
   Registered 14 January 1773, by Henry Betagh
Memorial of Release dated 7 Jan 1774, between Henry Betagh of the City of Dublin, gent. of the one part; and Christopher Day of Dublin, Pub. Not. of the other part. Reciting that on 16 May 1765 Philip Crampton of Dublin, Ald. demised to Andrew Chaigneau of Dublin, laceman, that dwelling house on Northside of Cork Hill, City of Dublin, from 1 June last for Lives mentioned therein with covenant of renewal for ever at £70 rent. That Henry Betagh had an interest in said premises and in consideration of £160 assigned same to Christopher Day to hold under said lease.
Said deed and this Memorial witnessed by Gilbert Bethel and Francis McAnally, clerks to Christopher Day of Dublin, Not. Pub.
Gilbert Bethel swears as to the witnessing at Dublin 14 Jan. 1774.

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